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Pup Was Stuck On A Shopping Cart In Arizona Canal, But Then Something Amazing Happened

  Dorothea’s story recently left Phoenix residents shocked to their core. This 10-year-old Chi mix somehow ended up stranded on a shopping cart in a dangerous canal, exhausted and barely clinging to life. Shocked, scared, and with no way out, the dog held onto the cart tightly, hoping for the best. How Did She Get There Source: Arizona Humane Society A random passerby was concerned when they spotted a mysterious “object” floating in the middle of the canal. Upon observing it closely, they realized it was breathing – and it wasn’t an object at all. It was a dog,  strangely trapped on a shopping cart with no one nearby to help her .  Dorothea, a senior Chi mix, instantly caught the passerby’s attention and th...
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Puppy Thrown Off A Bridge With Electrical Tape Over His Mouth

  No bark, growl, or bite is as nearly as hurtful as human cruelty. Dogs might behave that way instinctively when they sense a threat, but humans most often hurt these animals on purpose simply because they can. As if leaving a family dog isn’t hurtful enough, some people go even further by leaving pups in bags, without food, water, or even air. Louie’s story is heartbreaking, as he was not only betrayed by his family, but thrown off a bridge with tape on his mouth, so no one could hear his cry for help. A Whimper For Help Source: The Dodo A light exercise turned into a rescue mission as soon as Hoelter looked over a bridge and heard some kind of whimpering in the distance. He might have ignored it, but deep in his heart, Hoelter knew something was wrong. He followed the sound of a tiny vo...

Dog With His Head Stuck In Purple Cheeseball Bucket Roamed The Streets For Days, Looking For Help

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